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Alex Luckenbaugh's headshot

Alex Luckenbaugh

(That's me!)
Alex Luckenbaugh


Five thousand years ago, the Great Sage Mallathazir peered into the Orb of Twelve Destinies and foresaw the Great Approaching: the coming of a legendary hero who would put an end to all of the world's evils, correct the angle of the Earth's axis, and create a pretty good recipe for peach cobbler. After five milennia, that great hero still hasn't shown up yet. But enough about that, it's not really important.

Alex Luckenbaugh is an actor, singer, and improviser from Somerset County, New Jersey. He has toured with three productions nationally, performed in the debut of a show at an acclaimed theme park, and has operated under the assumption that he's really funny (jury's still out on whether that last one is true).

One of Alex's greatest passions is improvisation, particularly in regards to musical theater styles. He was a member and captain of his college's improv troupe and was a member of Duly Noted, a musical improv team at Rhino Comedy in Suffern, NY for several years. Why do a show where you tell one story every night when you can do a show that tells a different story every time? His other greatest passion is writing about himself in the third person.

When he isn't performing Alex is also a fan of playing Dungeons and Dragons, likes video games, and enjoys reading Agatha Christie novels.

Also he can play the spoons? Is that anything? It's a neat party trick but maybe that's not the most essential skill for a person to have? Again, jury's still out on that one.

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